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Snoqualmie Valley Little League

Draft and Play-up and Play-down Policies

Updated for 2025 

A. Player Selection System

SVLL uses Player Selection System Plan B from the Little League Operating Manual, modified to one part. SVLL does not use the two-part returning player system. The SVLL Player selection process is approved at District 9 level by District Administrator. The SVLL redrafts each year.

B. Manager Selection

  • Managers, coaches and umpires are appointed annually by the president, with approval of the Board of Directors in accordance with Little League Green Book rule.
  • Managers are reviewed by the "Manager Committee" which is led by the Director of Coaching and Player Development. Recommendations are submitted to the President for final approval, the President then brings to Board of Directors for final vote.
  • The SVLL President shall collect input from parents, players, managers, coaches and board members (in writing where possible).
  • Managers will nominate their coach(es) within a week of the Draft. The President will appoint coaches prior to next board meeting for Board approval.

C. Play Up/Play Down

Playing Up

Playing Down

The general policy is to allow a player to play down one level at the request of their parent, if circumstances warrant. Parent requests for their child to remain at their prior year level will generally be honored if the child's age is within league guidelines.

  • All players are required to register for the Division and Levle as determined by their birth date. Players can request, at Registration, to play down to the previous year's level.
  • Requests to play down will be evaluated by the Player Agent for review and approval. SVLL will consider the following when determining if a player can play down one level from his age level:
    • Safety and Skill level of the player; "Kids First"
    • Player has not previously played in an organized program
    • Age 12 players are not allowed to play down to Coast per Little League Rules, unless special circumstances warrant a District Evaluation and Waiver. If a 12-year-old does play Coast, they are not eligible to pitch.
    • At age 13 and above, Petitions to Play Down are not heard.

New players with experience outside Snoqualmie Valley Little League in the prior season who join after the player draft will be reviewed by the Player Agent to determine equivalency and treated accordingly.

D. Skills Assessment

The required Skills Assessment (tryout) is an opportunity for managers to see players in action and gather information about player abilities in preparation for the draft. The Skills Assessment helps the league create balanced teams that are evenly matched; providing a positive playing experience for each team.

  • Players who do not attend the Skills Assessment will be placed in the draft for their league age. When available, previous year scores will be used to help evaluate skill level.
  • As assessments are completed, each manager and nominated coach will record their player ratings on the evaluation template provided prior to Skills Assessments. They will then submit these ratings to the Player Agent by a specified time in the requested format. The Player Agent will compile the ratings and send out the group rankings to each Manager prior to the Draft.
  • After the Skills Assessment (tryouts), at a date and time set by the Player Agent, managers will meet with the Player Agent and President to conduct the draft. Every manager is to be present to draft the teams.

E. Draft Procedures

In the SVLL draft, the Majors level teams draft first, followed by Coast, AAA then AA. Differences in the process for Coast/Majors and AAA/AA are detailed at the end of this section. The following procedures will be followed on draft day:

  • Managers who can't make the Draft will be replaced by SVLL President. The only exception is if the President is a manager at that level, then the VP replaces the absent manager.
  • SVLL attempts to place 11 players minimum per team and a maximum of 14. This is the decision of Player Agent and President. Tie goes to VP.
  • The draft screen will show all available players ranked from highest to lowest. For Majors and Coast, as each player is drafted, the Manager's name will be entered and the player will be "highlighted" to signify they are no longer available. Protected managers' children are highlighted in the same manner.
  • Managers may protect their own children. The "Option" procedure is followed in writing per "Little League Operating Manual." SVLL uses the Returning Players Format. Each manager's child is automatically selected in the last round of the draft.
  • Sibling Rule: Per Plan "B" siblings will be selected in back to back drafts. Managers who select a player with a sibling will be required to select the other sibling in the very next round.
  • Team Uniform selection will be done after the draft with the order established by a Manager card draw with high card selecting team uniform first.
  • After draft time is closed and trades are over, managers will meet individually with the Player Agent to ensure the computerized rosters are correct. Rosters will be e-mailed to each Manager within 24 hours.
  • Player Registration forms will be distributed to manager as players are chosen.
  • Managers will notify each of their team members immediately. Do not wait until the next day. If you cannot, let the President know so he/she can make phone calls.
  • If at any time during the year a player leaves due to injury or other reason, a replacement process will be at the Player Agent and President's discretion on a case by case basis.

AA and AAA (Balanced draft)

  • Players are automatically assigned to a team based on skills assessment scores using a serpentine method (1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1…)
  • Play up requests not placed on a team by the 4th round will be included in their age league draft, or assigned to their age level Farm League team.
  • Prior to assigning managers to teams, all managers work together to balance teams with the goal of even distribution of player skill through all teams
  • Once balanced teams are finalized, managers are randomly assigned to one of the teams
  • Managers are allowed a trade for their child(ren) if needed, plus one more trade, with agreement from all involved. Additional trades are not allowed.

Majors and Coast (Serpentine Draft)

  • Each Manager will draw a card to determine draft order; low card drafts first, high card drafts last. Draft order is a serpentine as follows: 1-2-3-4-5-6, then 6-5-4-3-2-1, then 1-2-3-4-5-6, etc.
  • Play up requests not placed on a team by the 4th round will be included in their age league draft
  • 15 minutes will be allowed for trades after all players have been selected. This is to help spread out pitchers, catchers, etc. to help with more equal teams. No trades will be allowed between teams after this for the rest of the baseball season, with rare exceptions at the Player Agent and President's discretion.

All draft decisions, level assignments, and team placements are final.

Questions or comments about the draft procedures or the play up/play down policy can be sent to [email protected].


Snoqualmie Valley Little League

Snoqualmie Valley Little League, PO Box 351
North Bend, Washington 98045

Email: [email protected]

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