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Snoqualmie Valley Little League



Snoqualmie Valley Little League - Softball Programs

Snoqualmie Valley Little League (SVLL) offers several softball programs for children ages 8-16 living within the SVLL boundary. Those living outside the boundary but attending a school within it also qualify to play with SVLL. Eligible schools include: Twin Falls Middle School, Timber Ridge Elementary, Edwin R. Opstad Elementary, North Bend Elementary, Snoqualmie Elementary, North Bend Montessori and Snoqualmie Access. Girls born in 2014 or later participate in the co-ed Farm League Program. Those born in 2013 or earlier participate in the softball upper divisions.

Snoqualmie Valley Little League Softball Divisions

League Age

Little League softball uses what is called "league age" to determine player's age and recommended division. Their school grade or other factors are not considered when placing players in the recommended division.

Skills Assessment

Players in the upper divisions (Double-A, Triple-A, Coast, Majors, Juniors, and Seniors) are required to attend a skills assessment before the start of each season to provide managers an opportunity to evaluate players' strengths and weaknesses before the player draft. The assessment helps SVLL create balanced teams to create a fun and competitive season for all players. 

Regular Season

Practice season runs the first three weeks of March, with the regular game season starting the third full week of March for Juniors, Majors, Coast, and AAA.  AA games starting the fourth week (to give the younger kids one more week of practice).  The regular season runs through Memorial Day weekend.  There are no games played during Spring Break or Memorial Day weekend.

Example Schedule:

Weeks 1 - 4Practice 2x/week
Weeks 5- 61 or 2 Regular Season Games/week
Week 7SVSD Spring Break
Weeks 8 - 131 or 2 Regular Season Games/week

Typical Practice/Game Days:

Practice days are usually at the preference of the volunteer manager, provided there is field time to accommodate all requests. The league does not guarantee team placement onto a specific team that practices certain days of week 

Game schedule is impacted by total number of available fields, total number of player registrations, and total number of division teams.  Softball divisions historically have interlocked with multiple leagues at each division and each year the interlocks are different based on the number of teams each league charters.  Specific weekdays for games are not guaranteed at any softball level and will be based on field availability of the interlocked leagues. Saturday is typically a game day.

Jamboree Day

Join us for Jamboree Day on TBD at Torguson Field #6. This event gets the entire league together- all baseball and softball teams- for a SVLL parade and pep rally.

Teams are asked to assemble at 10:30 a.m. to get in group order before the parade of teams begins at 11 a.m. Families are encouraged to stay after the parade and take part in a fun afternoon, complete with food vendors, equipment vendors, bouncy houses, and more! Upper division games begin in the afternoon.

Team and individual pictures will also be taken throughout the day at North Bend Elementary School (stay tuned for your team's assigned time). Teams can access the photo session area from NBE's campus (walk to the right to the covered playground area) or by passing through the fence in right field of Torguson field #4. NBE is a great overflow parking area too if Torguson is full.

AA Interlock Rules

Download the Softball AA Interlock rules.


All-Stars is a competitive post-season team. Team member selections are based on player and manager input and rosters are formed based on the approved All-Star selection process. The All-Star season begins mid-June and follows Little League Tournament play rules and schedules


Snoqualmie Valley Little League

Snoqualmie Valley Little League, PO Box 351
North Bend, Washington 98045

Email: [email protected]

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